Guidelines for POST COVID ERA
(coming out of it? lol who knows)
Before booking, PLEASE make sure you know what you are booking for and commit to the actual service. If you are unsure, email or text me and I will be happy to guide you. IF YOU ARE A NEW CLIENT, PLEASE PRE CONSULT BEFORE BOOKING (EMAIL OR TEXT): I’m a one woman show. The late cancellation policy will be enforced. This is so that my business won’t be interrupted. Thank you.
BRING YOU OWN COVERED WATER/DRINKS. At this time we will not be providing drinks in our glassware.
WEAR a mask if you feel under the weather. I have taken off my masks unless I don’t feel 100%. Feel free to ask me to have mine on if it’s something you prefer.
IF YOU ARE UNSURE OR DO NOT FEEL WELL WITH COVID SYMPTOMS, PLEASE CANCEL. IF ITS 48 HOURS OR LESS AND YOU ARE NOT FEELING DUE WELL (DUE TO COVID) LET ME KNOW SO I WAIVE THE CANCELLATION FEE. It’s very difficult to fill in appointments with less than a day’s notice in these times so thanks for your understanding.